Wednesday, January 2, 2008

Happy New Year!

This year I decided to make a New Year's Resolution. I've avoided these in the past. They always seem to lead to guilt, anyway. So why bother? But this year I have the big 4-0 coming up. I decided it was time to lose the baby fat now, or it's probably never going to happen. My oldest is hitting double digits this year, and the baby is learning to read, so I'm running out of excuses for the belly I've been carrying around. I have a fool proof plan. Cut out the Snickers, (or at least cut back), and start exercising. I can do this! Well, yesterday, the first day of 2008, I failed miserably. Although I didn't run out to the store for a Snickers, I also didn't do anything that can be called exercise. I don't think turning the pages of a book really count. And yet, I managed to lose 2 pounds already! How you ask? The old-fashioned way. I awoke at 1:30am with a strange, yet familiar feeling. Yep, the stomach flu! Only 13 pounds to go! See how God can use all things for good? Even vomiting. Maybe I'll start exercising tomorrow, if a miracle happens and the kids aren't up all night sick. Now I'm off to nibble on some Saltines and Ginger-Ale. Hope your New Year is off to a better start!


Stephanie Kay said...

For a minute I thought your "old familiar feeling" was going to be a baby!! = )

Between your vomiting and my coughing we're bound to lose some baby flab!! = )

Anonymous said...

I started laughing til I read that you had the stomach flu. Believe or not, we are very close in age and I had this a two months ago which caused me to lose over 5 pounds. I kept it up and lost 5 more. I'm stagnated now because I really need to exercise to jeer my metabolism. I used that baby fat line too til I had another one then the baby fat tripled. Ha!