Saturday, January 12, 2008

The 2nd and 3rd most annoying questions...

We all know the first most annoying question. If you homeschool, you've heard it 100 times. If you don't homeschool, you've probably asked it. With the holidays, I had the joy of seeing all those people in our extended circle who feel the need to pass judgement on our parenting decisions. I still remember the look of horror from one of my cousins when she first heard we were planning to educate our own children. "Why would you do such a thing?" It was as though I said we would be keeping them in a closet for the remainder of their lives. I can't imagine ever asking that of someone who chooses traditional schooling for their children. But for some reason people feel perfectly justified to question you about your choices if you homeschool. Which leads me to what I feel are next in line on the annoying scale. "But aren't you worried you won't be able to teach them everything they need to know? How can you be sure to teach them everything?" (Because as you know, the government schools are doing such a great job.) I wonder if people realize when they ask me this, that they are essentially calling me a moron. Or perhaps they are the morons. I mean come kids are in elementary school, I think I can handle it! The third question that really irritates me can, at times, be harmless curiosity. It's all in the tone of voice. Usually the question is preceded by a pat on the back. "That's great you homeschool." Then comes the question, annoying depending on the tone. "But how long do you plan on continuing? You're not going to homeschool for High School, are you?" What they're really saying is: "That's cute, but how long are you going to carry on with this foolishness?" I'm thinking that's really none of your business! You small-minded nincompoop! If it was up to my son, we'll be homeschooling for a long time. He just asked me yesterday if he could homeschool for college. I told him "No". (He doesn't know yet about online degrees, and I'd like to keep it that way for now.)
Well, that's my rant for the day. I feel better now. Off to go ruin my children's lives some more!


Anonymous said...

I know exactly how you feel. I get asked quite often about the homeschooling highschool thing since I'm homeschooling one. I rolled off now as "clueless" words.
I love your quote of the week. I think I'm going to do that with my dc. My 8 yo ALWAYS has something interesting to say.

Stephanie Kay said...

Will is 4.5 so I get a lot of "Is he in preschool, yet?" Then surprise at my no. That's usually followed by "Will he start school next fall?" or "Which school will he be at?" Boy do I get looks when I say I'm going to homeschool! Especially if I have all 3 kids with me.

Gina said...

This was too funny! I loved it!