Monday, January 21, 2008

Ever get that scary feeling?

I headed out tonight on a late night ice cream run. It was my first chocolate indulgence of the new year. I figured 3 weeks was long enough, and I deserved a little snack. I was heading to a convenience store on a local two lane road. The speed limit is 40, but most people drive at least 50. Out of the blue, I had a scary feeling, like what would happen if someone hit black ice and hit me? Weird thought. I instictively slowed down. I was just getting to the top of a hill when I saw the first headlights I'd seen since I left my house. Two sets of them actually, and one of them was in my lane! And he was coming at me fast! I hit the brakes and jerked to the right, expecting a big jolt any second. The next thing I know, I realized I was still alive, and the car somehow did not hit me. I'm really not sure how that could have happened, but it did. Thank you, Jesus!


Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

Hey, silly me deleted my post. Anywhoo, praise the Lord for His divine protection. BTW, you did wear clean underwear didn't ya? LOL

Stephanie Kay said...


Anonymous said...

I'm glad you are ok. I don't want to make light of the situation. Just my quirky humor. ;)

Anonymous said...

Your posts usually make laugh. This one made me cry. Maybe I’m just selfish, but I’m not ready for you to go ’Home’. Thank you Jesus!!
Love Ya,