Thursday, September 20, 2007

Preschoolers, sex ed. and the media

Actual conversation with my almost 5 year old daughter:

Mommy goes to kiss daughter goodnight.
Daughter opens her mouth.
"What are you doing?" asks Mommy
"I want to kiss like the lady and man on TV"
"What do you mean?" asks Mommy
"They kissed for a long time and they had their mouths open. I want to kiss like that."
"Well, you can't kiss Mommy like that. That's a special kind of kiss for married people."
"I can't wait until I get married! Then I can kiss people like that!"
"Well, honey, you can't kiss everyone like that. Only your husband."
"Why not, Mommy.? I want to kiss people like that!"
"Because it's a special kind of kiss that God made for husbands and wives."
"But you and Daddy never kiss like that.."
"Well, actually we do. Just not in front of you."
"Why not?"
" It's supposed to be private, honey."
"Then why were the lady and the man doing it right on TV?"

Good question, kid!


Brooke Lorren said...


I've never had dd try to do that, but I have had to discuss lip kissing and blasphemy with her.

So much stuff out there... at least she's learning these things from you and not somebody that doesn't share your beliefs.

Stephanie Kay said...

Yikes! My guys haven't tried the open mouth thing but they have tried pecks on the lips. Probably because they see daddy & I give each other pecks. I've explained that's "Daddy's special place to kiss Momma." I don't even want to imagine the stuff they'd pick up if they weren't sheltered and protected!